5 Fun Halloween Dog Activities

halloween for dogs, celebrate halloween with your dog

There’s no better way to celebrate one of the best holidays of the year than with your best pal. From carving a pawprint on your pumpkin to wearing matching Halloween costumes, we know you’re looking forward to getting into the spooky spirit with your dog. 

Looking to do something extra special this year? We’ve put together a list of five creative ways to celebrate Halloween with your dog that you may not have thought of yet!

Take Your Dog on a Haunted Hayride or Ghost Tour

Wondering if this will finally be the year when you have an otherworldly encounter? Why not go looking for restless spirits with your own little paranormal investigator!

To get started, look up haunted fairgrounds, hayrides, corn mazes or other Halloween events in your area. If they’re not specified as dog-friendly, don’t be afraid to call and ask if your fearless pal can join you! While out ghostbusting with Fido, remember to keep your pup on a leash at all times and bring some tasty Nature’s Advantage treats to get his attention when needed.

You know, there are those who believe dogs have a sixth sense for these things...and hey, dogs can hear and smell things that humans can’t, so who’s to say they aren’t seeing things that are invisible to us, too? (We’ll consult with our best boy Sparky and get back to you). 

Tracking a spooky spirit together with your courageous pooch would definitely be an epic way to celebrate Halloween this year.

Put Up Dog-Themed Halloween Decorations

From hellhounds to monstrous mutts, give your decorations a canine feel this year with some delightfully dog-themed Halloween decorations. Will the Hounds of Baskerville from the famous Sherlock Holmes story guard your home from ghouls? Perhaps some doggy pawprint stepping stones in the garden lead to a spooky tombstone where man’s best friend has loyally returned from beyond the grave, or your Grim Reaper is accompanied by a scythe-fetching skeletal sidekick.

In fact, why not personalize your decor to make your own pooch the Lord or Lady of a haunted manor? With some clever photo editing skills, your own best pal can be featured in a custom spooky painting that’ll let all your Halloween guests know which canine spirit guards your home. Witches, vampires and werewolves beware! 

Let Your Dog Bob for Apples

Do you have a water-loving hound? Let them participate in the classic Halloween activity of bobbing for apples, canine-style!

Fill a pool, bathtub or giant bucket with water and supply your dog with items to “bob” for. If you want to use the classic apple, go right ahead – apples are a healthy snack for dogs, as long as you monitor the crunching so they don’t swallow the core.

If you don’t want to use apples, you can still have your dog bob for Halloween-themed tennis balls or toys – basically anything that floats! If your dog hasn’t played this game before, they may not be sure what’s going on. Toss the toy into the water in front of your pup and encourage them to retrieve it.

Of course, they may find they’re more interested in splashing in the water than recovering the items and that’s fine too. As long as you and your dog are having fun together this Halloween, you can’t go wrong.

Make Your Own Halloween Treats With Nature’s Advantage

Nature’s Advantage grain free dog treats are already packed with natural protein for all the goodness your pup deserves. But if you want to go the extra mile and make especially ghoulish Halloween snacks for your best pal, the options for creativity are endless!

One easy and tasty idea would be to pour goat’s milk, water or broth in a spooky mold, add your dog’s favorite treats for a fulfilling crunch, and freeze the molds overnight. There’s a wide variety of Halloween molds out there, which makes for infinite combinations. How about freeze-dried minnows in ghost molds, with their heads poking out to make a fishy graveyard? Or real chicken hearts in a brain mold for some edible organs? This Halloween, let your creepiest and most creative ideas run wild!

Come up with a creation you’re especially proud of? Tell us about it by emailing woof@naturesadv.com with photos of your masterpiece. You may even see your talents featured on our social media pages.

Teach Your Dog a Spooky New Trick

Now that you have some tasty new Halloween treats, it’s time for the tricks!

There are many easy and fun new tricks you can teach your dog this Halloween to keep your dog’s mind active, your bond with them strong and your friends suitably impressed.

One simple trick is the Werewolf Howl. Entice your hound to howl by playing a video of wolves or other dogs howling. As soon as your dog joins in, say the command word and give them a tasty treat. It won’t be long before they’ve learned to howl on command – no full moon required. (We suggest you also teach your dog a command to stop howling. Trust us on this!).

Play Dead, Peekaboo or the Zombie Crawl (where your dog crawls towards you on all fours) are a few more fun and easy tricks to teach your dog this Halloween.

With these new ideas in mind you’re sure to make this spooky season one to remember with your pup, whether it’s your first Halloween together or your thirteenth.  From Sparky and all of us at Nature’s Advantage, we wish you and your canine companions a very happy Howl-o-ween!

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