• Why Is My Dog Licking Excessively, and What Do I Do About It?

    Why Is My Dog Licking Excessively, and What Do I Do About It?
    “Why does my dog lick so much?” you may wonder as you watch your precious fur-baby slobber all over the glass sliding door. If your pup’s licking seems to be going beyond normal canine behavior into the realm of excessive licking, it’s normal to be concerned. There are several factors to consider when identifying the trigger for your pal’s overeager tongue — and when learning how to lessen the licking! Why Do Dogs Lick? While some dog behaviors remain a mystery to us all, we do know some of the reasons why your pup may be...
  • Training Therapy Dogs: Can Your Pup Help People?

    Training Therapy Dogs: Can Your Pup Help People?
    Therapy dogs bring joy and comfort to people’s lives, particularly when they are facing tough challenges such as medical concerns, loneliness or stress. Volunteering alongside your dog as part of a therapy dog team is a caring and empathetic thing to do, but your dog has to have the right temperament and training to succeed. Let’s take a look at the process for training a therapy dog and see how you and Fido can earn your therapy dog certification together! What is a Therapy Dog? There’s almost no limit to the ways in which dogs can...
  • 7 Cool Tricks to Teach Your Dog

    7 Cool Tricks to Teach Your Dog
    Ready to move beyond Sit, Stay, and Come? There are many cool tricks to teach your dog that are achievable and fun for both you and your furry buddy. We know how excited dogs get for training — it’s always a fun game when there’s delicious treats on the line! Plus, finding new tricks to teach your dog is a great way to strengthen your bond, keep your pup’s mind active and impress the neighbors all at once. If you and your best pal have already mastered the basics and are eager for more, we’ve put...
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